Onye Gba Nkiti by Ndubuisi George

Publisher: Purpleshelves Limited


9 in stock

Product ID: 19953 SKU: 9789789785308 Category: Tags: , ,

Onye Gba Nkiti bu akuko enwuregwu na-akowaputa mkpa o di ka Obodo obula were aka abuo jidesie omenaala na asusu ha ike. Omenaala na asusu ndi bu njiri mara ndi.
Ala Ubom bu Obodo eji ama atu mgbe gboo. Omenaala ha bu ugwu ha. Na agbanyeghi na Ubom bu obere Obodo, ogugu isi na amamihe ha jiri karisia mba ndi ozo sitere na ntoala ndi nna nna ha. Onye chefuru nzo-ukwu ndi nna ya di ka osisi enweghi mgborogwu.
Ogbara-ohuru mere nwoke na nwanyi amuru n’ala Ubom ji elegara omenaala Obodo ha anya dika ihe mgbe ochie. Ha amataghi na onye kpoo ite ya mkpokoro,agbataobi ewere ya kpoo ntu.
Mazi Obijiofo bu onye nkuzi e ji okwu ya agba izu n’ala Ubom. Amamihe ya abughi so n’okwu onu, o na emeputakwuazi ya n’omume. Obijiofo hapuru onu ya aka mgbe o huru na uzo adighi ebe mmuta ogbara ohuru du Ubom aga.
Agumakwukwo ufodu bu olulu amaghi-ihe ka ndi ilo kpacha anya gwuo. Mazi Obijiofo na ndi ilulo ibe ya hooro ntutu taa, na onweghi nwa-afo Ubom ga-adanye n’olulu ndi ilo ahu.
Ihe ha kwuru ka ha mere, maka na onye gba nkiti, chi ya agba nkiti

English version:
In a community where everyone is caught up with the demands of civilisation and unbothered about maintaining or preserving the traditions and language of the people, a school teacher decides to be different and change the status quo by not being silent about it and guiding his students to always carry more than just vestiges of their culture despite the attractions of foreign knowledge and civilisation.

Weight0.19 kg


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